

29 June–5 July 2025

Talk: The Global Exchange of Oceanic Knowledge: The German Maritime Observatory and Its International Network. Presentation as part of the ICHO-sponsored “Ocean Circulations” panel at the 27th International Congress of History of Science & Technology (ICHST 2025) in Dunedin, New Zealand/Aotearoa. More information can be found here.


28 November 2024

Talk: The 1783-1784 Laki Eruption: An Overview of the Eruption, its Consequences, and Recent Research Perspectives. Workshop on the Laki Eruption and Its Consequences for the Nordic Countries at the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway, 28–29 November 2024.

4 September 2024

Talk: Bemannte Ballonaufstiege in der Antarktis 1902: Die britische Discovery-Expedition, die deutsche Gauß-Expedition und der Einsatz von Fesselballons. Vortragsreihe zur Sonderausstellung „Polarfahrten mit Luftfahrzeugen“ im Aeronauticum Nordholz, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven. More information can be found here.

23 August 2024

Talk: Producing and Showcasing Ocean Knowledge in Early-Twentieth-Century German East-Africa: The Short-Lived Deep-Sea Aquarium in Dar es Salaam, 1904–1909. World Congress of Environmental History, University of Oulu, Finland, 19–23 August 2024.

7 July 2023

Talk: From Antarctica to the Berlin Zoo: The Journey of the Seven Penguins Aboard the Schwabenland in 1938/1939. Workshop “Animal Histories: Perspectives from Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

18 June 2023

Talk: Flaschenpostsendungen. “Highlight am Sonntag,” German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institut for Maritime History, Bremerhaven, Germany. More information can be found here.

16 June 2023

Talk: Animals Aboard Research Expeditions: Imagination and Practice. Workshop “DFG-Network Modern Expeditions,” German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institute for Maritime History, Bremerhaven, Germany.

1-2 June 2023

Talk: Vulkanausbrüche, Teleconnections und Klimawandel: Vom Ausbruch der Lakispalte 1783 bis zur Eruption des Krakatau 1883 und darüber hinaus. Conference “Reporting Climate Change, 1800-2022. Wissen, Medialität & Praktiken des populären Klimawandeldiskurses,” Online conference, University of Göttingen, Germany.

22 May 2023

Book Talk: A Mist Connection. “Environmental Humanities Book Talk Series,” The Greenhouse, Center for Environmental Humanities, University of Stavanger, Norway. More information and a video recording of the book talk can be found here. A podcast episode of this talk can be found here.

11 May 2023

Talk: Weather and Climate and Their Human Impacts and Responses During the Thirty Years’ War in Central Europe (with Rudolf Brázdil). CRIAS Workshop “Climate and Conflict Revisited. Perspectives from the Past and Present,” University of Oslo, Norway, 11–12 May 2023. More information and the conference program can be found here and here.

19 February 2023

Talk: Die Deutsche Seewarte. “Highlight am Sonntag,” German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institut for Maritime History, Bremerhaven, Germany. More information can be found here.

17 February 2023

Invited Speaker: Forschungsexpeditionen und die Deutsche Seewarte. “Tag der Wissenschaft: Forschen und Ausstellen am Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseum (DSM),” German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institut for Maritime History, Bremerhaven, Germany. More information can be found here.

24 November 2022

Invited Speaker: A Peculiar Haze, a Sulphuric Smell, and Bloodred Sunsets: The Effects of the 1783-1784 Laki Eruption on Europe. Cambridge Volcanology Seminar series, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The abstract and more information can be found here.

3-4 November 2022

Workshop: “Research Expedition to India and the Indian Ocean in Early Modern and Modern Times,” German Maritime Museum/Leibniz Institute for Maritime History, Bremerhaven, Germany.

More info can be found here.

6 October 2022

Invited Speaker: Ocean History between Germany and Australia: Georg Neumayer, the Flagstaff Observatory in Melbourne and the German Maritime Observatory in Hamburg. The Centre for Environmental History’s new seminar series “Environmental Exchanges”, the seminar’s theme in 2022 is Ocean Histories, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. The abstract and registration can be found here.

29-30 September 2022

Talk: Die Entdeckung, Erforschung und Vermessung der Tiefsee: Raumvorstellungen über die Meere von 1850 bis heute. “Räume in der Internationalen Geschichte: Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart.” Jahrestagung der AG Internationale Geschichte, Berlin, Germany.

7-9 September 2022

Talk: Environment and Climate in a Blue Museum: The German Maritime Museum/Leibniz Institute for Maritime History. Workshop “Green Transitions in Blue Museums.” University of Stavanger, Norway.

30 July 2022

Talk: Logbücher, Flaschenpost und Forschungsschifffahrt: Die Entstehung der Deutschen Seewarte 1875. “Wissen um 11.” Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, Germany. More info can be found here.

19 July 2022

Roundtable discussion: The German Maritime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History. “Oceans in Museums” Roundtable, Colloquium of the History of Ocean Science, Technology and Medicine. More info can be found here.

14-16 July 2022

Pre-circulated paper: Earthquakes in New England from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Natural Catastrophes in the United States — Making Sense of Risks and Vulnerability conference at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany.

7 July 2022

Talk: Volcanic Pollution in Western Europe in the Summer of 1783. Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) conference in Bristol, England, UK.

6 July 2022

Talk: Active Volcanoes, Active Imagination: Fire-Spitting Mountains and Subterraneous Roars in the German Territories in 1783. Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) conference in Bristol, England, UK.

23-25 June 2022

Talk: Expeditions to Iceland and German Maritime Expeditions. German Research Council-Network meeting “Modern Expeditions: Politics, Actors, and Epistemologies of Research Expeditions from the 19th Century Onward”, Forschungskolleg Transkulturelle Studien Gotha, Germany.

13-16 June 2022

Pre-circulated paper: „Die ganze Luft roch daselbst wie lauter Schwefel.“ Luftverschmutzung und Vegetationsschäden in Europa im Sommer 1783 nach dem Ausbruch der Lakispalte auf Island. Sommeruniverstität “Umweltgeschichte” / Summer University “Environmental History” / l’université d’été « L’histoire environnementale », German Historical Institute Paris, France.

24 May 2022

Invited speaker: Wissen über das Meer im späten 19. Jahrhundert: Die Entstehung der Deutschen Seewarte im internationalen Kontext. Kolloquium “Gesellschaft – Wissen – Umwelt” von Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rohland, University of Bielefeld, Germany.

More info can be found here.

21 May 2022

Talk: Von Island bis ins Wendland: Die Auswirkungen des Ausbruchs der Lakispalte 1783. Frühjahrstagung des Heimatkundlichen Arbeitskreises Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V. HALD zum Thema “Klimawandel/ Extremwetter/ Naturkatastrophen”, 21 May 2022.

7 April 2022

Invited speaker: The Physical and Societal Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions: The Case of the 1783 AD Laki Eruption. Geoscience Information for Teachers Workshop (GIFT) on “How the Planet Shapes History: Geosciences, Human Society, and Civilisations” at the European Geosciences Union’s conference, 4-8 April 2022.

You can find more information here.

8 March 2022

Invited Speaker: The Icelandic Laki eruption of 1783: Historical Mitigation of Risk and Disaster Management Today, followed by a discussion with Elisa Sevilla (Tomorrow’s Cities Quito) and Prof. Dr. Greg Bankoff (University of Hull) as the discussant on the topic of What causes disasters: Historical process at the Cambridge Disaster Research Network’s seminar, Cambridge, UK.

You can find more information here. You can watch a recording of this talk here.

17 Febraury 2022

Talk: Voyage for Knowledge. The Birth of Oceanography and the German Maritime Observatory, 1875-1945. Prof. Dr. Marie-Theres Fojuth’s Maritime History seminar at the University of Stavanger, Norway.

25 January 2022

Talk: Earthquakes in New England, 1600-1800: Extraordinary Natural Events Shine a Light on Timekeeping and Recordkeeping Practices in Early America. Environmental History Seminar at the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

You can find more information here.

30 September 2021

Talk: Understanding the Sea: A History of the Flagstaff Observatory for Geophysics, Magnetism and Nautical Science in Melbourne, 1858-1864. German Association for Australian Studies’ conference, “Australian Seascapes,” Trier Unviersity, Germany, 27 September-2 October 2021.

13 September 2021

Keynote: The Laki Eruption of 1783 and Its Legacy. Combining Cultural History and Geology Approaches for Environmental History. Workshop, “Interdisciplinary and Mixed-Methods Approaches in Environmental History: Potentials and Challenges,” Aeschi near Spiez, Canton of Bern, Switzerland, 13-15 September 2021.

25 August 2021

Talk: Earthquakes and Timekeeping Practices in New England, 1600-1800. JCB Fellow’s Talk | John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI, USA.

You can find more information here.

7 July 2021

Invited speaker: Historical Catastrophe Studies – Historische Katastrophenforschung: A New Book Series for a Dynamic Field. International Medieval Congress in Leeds, UK.

More information on this event can be found here.

You can watch a video of the event here.

1 July 2021

Pre-circulated paper: The Interdisciplinary Nature-Induced Disaster Index: Eldgjá, Laki, and How to Evaluate Historical Sources in an Interdisciplinary Framework (together with Stephan Ebert). Forschungskolleg Franken, Institut für Fränkische Landesgeschichte in Thurnau, Germany.

18 June 2021

Invited speaker: Icelandic Volcanism and Its Impacts on Europe: Lessons from the Past for the Future. Onine Brainstorming Workshop: Environmental History & Public Policy | Princeton- Max Planck Advisory Panel on Environmental History and Policy (EnvHist4P).

You can find the program here.

27 April 2021

Pre-circulated paper: The Interdisciplinary Nature-Induced Disaster Index: Eldgjá, Laki, and How to Evaluate Historical Sources in an Interdisciplinary Framework (together with Stephan Ebert). Prof. Dr. Gerrit Schenk’s Colloquium “Neues aus dem Mittelalter,” Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

25 November 2020

Roundtable discussion: Rivers in Colonial Times | Mesa redonda – Caminhos fluviais nos tempos coloniais. Conference “Seminário Amazônico de História e Natureza: Rios de Historia,” Brazil, 24-27 November 2020.

More information can be found here (in Portuguese).

You can watch the entire roundtable discussion here.

20 November 2020

Workshop: Blogging in der Praxis – Wie präsentiere ich meine Forschung oder meine beruflichen Projekte im Internet? Praxisbüro, Fakultät 13, LMU Munich, Germany.

Find more info here.

28-29 August 2020

Paper: Volcanic Pollution in the Summer of 1783 Impacted Human Health and Vegetation in Western Europe. At an online workshop “Flows, Histories, and Politics of Pollution in Europe (17th–20th century)” at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich, Germany, organized by Andrei Vinogradov and Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg.

16-19 June 2020

Paper:Die ganze Luft roch daselbst wie lauter Schwefel.” Luftverschmutzung und Vegetationsschäden in Europa im Sommer 1783 nach dem Ausbruch der Lakispalte auf Island. Summer university “Umweltgeschichte in Frankreich und Deutschland: aktuelle Probleme und Zukunftsperspektiven,” organized by the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP/IHA) and tthe École des hautes études en sciences sociales (CHR-GRHEN) in Paris, France. (This summer university was postponed due to COVID-19).

4 June 2020

Talk: Aktive Vulkane, aktive Vorstellungskraft. Vier ‘Vulkanausbrüche’ in den Deutschen Territorien im Sommer 1783. Prof. Dr. Melanie Arndt’s Colloquium at the Historisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.

8 May 2020

Workshop, prepared and conducted: Academic Blogging: How to Present Your Research Online. LMU Schreibzentrum, Munich, Germany.

Find the course description here.

10 January 2020

Guest lecture: The Imagination of Climate Change in the Past: An Example from Iceland. Dr. Katie Ritson’s Hauptseminar, “‘Klimakrise’ in Literatur und Film” at the Institut für Nordische Philologie, LMU Munich, Germany.

16 December 2019

Talk:  Merkwürdige Nebel, entsetzliche Donnerwetter, erschreckliche Erdbeben und feuerspeiende Berge in Europa im Sommer 1783. Eine Umweltgeschichte des Vulkanausbruchs der isländischen Lakispalte. Prof. Dr. Arndt Brendecke’s Colloquium (Oberseminar Frühe Neuzeit) at the Historisches Seminar, LMU Munich, Germany.

20-25 August 2019

Roundtable Discussion: Future Directions of Climate History. 10th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

13-16 April 2019

Talk: A Mist Connection: The Icelandic Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783. 4th VICS Meeting (Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society), University of Cambridge, England, UK.

26 October 2018

TalkThe Winter of 1783/1784 in Europe and North America. Little Ice Age Lessons Workshop, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA.

25-28 September 2018

Talk: “Also haben wir dennun in unserem lieben Deutschland auch einen feuerspeyenden Berg.” Der trockene Nebel von 1783 und die Vielfalt der zeitgenössischen Erklärungsversuche. Conference “Gespaltene Gesellschaften,” 52. Deutscher Historikertag, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany.

26 June 2018

Talk: “A Violent Revolution of Planet Earth”: Geological Ideas and Extraordinary Phenomena in the Aftermath of the 1783 Laki Fissure Eruption in Prof. Dr. Anke Friedrich’s and Sara Carena’s Colloquium “Advanced Active Tectonics” at the LMU’s Geology Department, Munich, Germany.

25-27 May 2018

Talk: Discrepancy Between Contemporary Descriptions and Temperature Reconstructions: The Summer of 1783 in the German Territories. Conference “Societal and Environmental Change in Historical Perspective: Recent Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research,” Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.

Click here for more information.

16 February 2018

Workshop, prepared and conducted: Academic Blogging. LMU Schreibzentrum, Munich, Germany.

Find the course description here.

13 January 2018

Talk and Poster Presentation: Impacts of the Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783 on North America. 3rd VICS Meeting (Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society), Labratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Click here to view the poster.

17 October 2017

Invited Talk: Der Ausbruch der Lakispalte und die Geschichte der Geologie: Die lange Suche nach dem Ursprung des trockenen Nebels von 1783. Prof. Dr. Christian Rohr’s Colloquium at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

18 August 2017

Workshop: Communicating the Climate: How to Communicate Scholarly Findings on Climate and Weather in a Controversial Time, Rachel Carson Center, Munich, Germany. Jointly organized and convened with Jeroen Oomen.

Here you can find the workshop’s program and a conference report.

18 July 2017

Discussion: Participating as a digital humanities specialist, giving students feedback on their digital exhibitions, Dr. Charlotte Lerg’s seminar “Digital History Project: The Cold War in Munich,” Amerikahaus, LMU Munich, Germany.

06 July 2017

Invited Talk: Klimageschichte und die Lakispalteneruption von 1783. Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg’s Seminar “Kultur- und Wissensgeschichte des Klimas,” LMU Munich, Germany.

30 June 2017

Talk: A Volcanic Eruption Knows No Borders: The Laki Fissure Eruption and the Dry Fog of 1783. 9th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

25 May 2017

Pre-Circulated Paper: Lifting the Fog of Ignorance: Europe and the Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783. Knowing Nature: The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge at the Renmin University of China, Beijing, China.

10 May 2017

Talk: Lifting the Fog of Ignorance: The Icelandic Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783. 5th PAGES OSM (Past Global Changes – Open Science Meeting) in Zaragoza, Spain.

Click here to watch the presentation.

27 May 2016

Talk: A Strategy to Cope with Extreme Weather: The Gleichberg and Cottaberg “Eruptions” of 1783. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Conference “Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change” at the British Museum, London, UK.

24 February 2016

Talk: Volcanic Eruptions and Cultures: A History of the Icelandic Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783. Doktorandentag, Rachel Carson Center / LMU Munich, Germany.

17 February 2016

Talk: Geology Meets History. An Environmental History of the Laki Fissure Eruption (1783). Geological Mapping Course for Geology Bachelor Students / Environmental Geology Field Trip in Las Negras/Almeria, Spain.

05 November 2015

Talk: The Laki Fissure Eruption and Strange Weather Phenomena in the German Territories in the Summer of 1783. 4th CITCEM Conference in Porto, Portugal.

18 September 2015

Talk: The Gleichberg “Eruption” of 1783 Revisited. Science and Technology Studies Workshop, University College Freiburg, Germany.

03 July 2015

Talk and Poster Presentation: The Laki Eruption and Strange Weather Phenomena in the German Territories in the Summer of 1783. 8th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference in Versailles, France.

Click here to view the poster.

29 January 2014

Talk: The Laki Fissure Eruption and the Dry Fog of 1783: A Nature-Induced Disaster Event During the Little Ice Age. Lipphardt Group Seminar Series, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany.

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